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Parenting Tips in a Crisis

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4 Key Strategies for Supportive Parenting During a Crisis

A crisis can significantly influence your child’s emotional well-being in a short period. During such times, it’s essential to use your hope and love for them as a buffer between their experience and their mental health. By practicing healthy parenting during a crisis, you can help mitigate the impact on your child.

Here are a few parenting tips to support your family through the crisis while keeping the losses minimal.

women holding sons head whilst he is crying

1, Building Trust and Connection

In a crisis, uncertainty can feel overwhelming, and the first thing we often lose is trust—both in ourselves and in our surroundings. To foster supportive parenting during a crisis, it’s crucial to maintain strong connections with your loved ones. Open communication is key to building this trust.

Ensure your children know that you are there for them and committed to providing support. This involves keeping information transparent and being honest about your feelings. Remember, children are highly intuitive; they can sense when their caregivers are scared or calm. By openly expressing your emotions, you create a safe space for them to do the same.

Denying natural emotions can confuse children and may lead them to hide their feelings, depriving them of healthy ways to express themselves. Embrace supportive parenting during a crisis by fostering an environment where emotions are acknowledged and shared.

2. Communicating Effectively

During a crisis, it’s essential not to hide information from your children. Share news in an age-appropriate way to help them understand the situation. For instance, if you need to leave your home temporarily, explain that you’re moving to a safe place and will return when it’s safe. Avoid making false promises if you’re unsure about when that will be.

It’s important to explain what’s happening around you. Acknowledge that times are tough and that some people are causing harm. However, also reassure your children that many others are working tirelessly to restore peace. By doing so, you can help maintain hope for a brighter future.

Practicing supportive parenting during a crisis means fostering open dialogue, which can empower your children to process their feelings and feel secure in uncertain times.

3. Managing Anxiety and Promoting Calmness

During a crisis, it’s natural to feel an overwhelming sense of dread and anxiety. While you can’t completely avoid these feelings, you can minimize their impact through calming techniques that support both you and your children.

Mindful breathing is one of the most effective ways to restore mental calmness. Teach your kids to practice mindful breathing by focusing on their breath as it flows in and out. For younger children, encourage them to notice their belly movements that correspond with each breath.

Another helpful technique is to gather happy memories from the past and share them with those around you. Collecting stories of hope and determination can also be beneficial—keep these stories handy to read when you or your children feel down.

Remind your children that sharing their concerns can significantly reduce the intensity of their fears. Encourage them to talk to a trusted adult about their worries to help alleviate stress.

As a parent, remember that you are the anchor for your children during these trying times. Practicing supportive parenting during a crisis means staying strong and modelling resilience, helping your family navigate through challenges together.

4. Maintain certainty

Children naturally seek certainty from their homes, the presence of friends and family, and the reliability of their daily routines. However, during a crisis, they may lose access to these essential elements. As a parent, it’s crucial to be proactive in upholding the remaining essentials to provide your children with a sense of stability.

One of the key essentials is maintaining a routine, which can offer comfort even amid changing circumstances. Make it a priority to stick to familiar practices, whether that means enjoying meals together or adhering to consistent bedtime schedules.

By embracing supportive parenting during a crisis, you can help your children feel more secure and grounded, allowing them to navigate uncertainty with greater confidence.


A crisis can drastically change our lives, leaving us feeling scared and uncertain. Its impact can be severe for both children and adults. However, developing effective coping and parenting skills can minimize the long-term effects of this challenging phase on children’s lives.

Communication is the first step in easing the emotional burden that a crisis places on children. Open, honest discussions help them process their feelings and understand what’s happening.

In addition to communication, grounding your family in routines can provide a sense of stability amid chaos. Practicing calming techniques, such as mindful breathing or engaging in relaxing activities, can further support emotional well-being.

By embracing supportive parenting during a crisis, you can help your children navigate uncertainty and foster resilience, ensuring they emerge stronger from challenging experiences.